The History and Meaning of the Term "Jew" | Its Significance in Religious History | The Exodus of Bani Israel from Egypt: Historical Facts and Controversies
Researching The Word "Jew" The word "Jews" is disputed whether it is an Arabic derivative or non-Arabic. Some have said that it is an Arabic word and is derived from " Al Hud " which means repentance and turning. Referring to the prayer of Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him), Allah (swt) said, "We turned to you. (Al Araaf Verse No, 156) And some have said that it is a non-Arabic word and refers to "Judah" who is a descendant of Bani Israel and it is attributed to the Kingdom of Judah which was in Palestine after Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him). In this regard, this is more of a conjecture. Because the name "Al-Judah" was not mentioned by the Jews in their books, except for the journey of Ezra, in which the people of the Kingdom of Judah were captured and taken to Babylon. It also showed that their adoption of the title of Jews predated the fall of Persia after the fall of Babylon and its domination over them. In the term, Jews are ...