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Historical Background Of The Jews | Important Information About Jewish Hostility To Islam

Initial Introduction

In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Almighty orders us to avoid the anti-Islamic conspiracies of the Jews and Christians. He forbids friendship with the Jews and Christians and clearly states that they cannot be our benefactors under any circumstances. Allah says at one point that the Jews are fiercely hostile toward Muslims. Since the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Jews have sought to destroy Islam through secret attacks and conspiracies. Therefore, Islam has always been harmed by the conspiracies of the Jews.

The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict and the Debate on Recognizing Israel

Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA), the second caliph, expelled the Jews from Khyber due to their conspiracies. From that time until now, the Jews, wearing the cloak of humiliation, have been engaged in conspiracies against Islam. Fifty years ago, the Jews occupied the land of Palestine through a conspiracy and then occupied Jerusalem, establishing their own country, Israel, as a thorn in the land of Arabia. Since then, the Middle East has been in a state of instability, and the bloodshed of Palestinian Muslims occurs daily. From the old to the children, from the women to the girls, Palestinians are fighting for the liberation of Jerusalem and the establishment of a Palestinian state by ending this evil of Israel. For this "defect," they are sometimes brutally bombed in the Samara distal camps, and sometimes there is an attempt to erase their name and mark through mass murder elsewhere. This storm of brutality and horror is such that even the Jews are ashamed of it. However, the cold war of Russia, China, and Japan with the backing of America and Europe, and the indifference, disrespect, and atrocities of the Muslim rulers continue. Instead of ending these cruel acts of "tyranny" and stopping the atrocities, the United Nations and the United States insist that all Muslim countries should recognize their illegitimate offspring, Israel, and extend their hands of friendship. 

This demand has intensified over the last two years, and some indications from our rulers suggest that Pakistan is also considering recognizing Israel. In this regard, the services of some so-called scholars like Ajmal Qadri were obtained. Pakistani scholars and people, in general, and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, in particular, have resisted the government's actions through a campaign, and this issue went to the head cold storage, but a debate has begun. What is wrong with "Recognizing Israel"? This is not our problem but the problem of the Arabs and so on.

Preliminary Introduction:

Bani Israel's Downfall Due to Ethnic Pride and Rejection of the Last Prophet

Bani Israel was the most honorable and powerful nation of its time, blessed by Allah Almighty with a wealth of prophethood, government, honor, and power. It was a great honor for Bani Israel that they were from the generation of Sayyidina Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and had the honor of being the children of Jalil-ul-Qadr Prophets like Hazrat Ishaq and Hazrat Yaqub (peace be upon them). But when they thanked Allah Almighty for these infinite blessings and favors, instead of taking the path of paying their right, they made these honors and honors a means of racial pride and bullying other nations. By making arbitrary distortions in the heavenly teachings, they began to mold them into the mold of their desires. So according to the law of nature of Allah Ta'ala, they continued to be deprived of God-given honors and finally reached the position of "Maghzoobi Alaihim" and "Zaleen".

The end of the stubbornness and obstinacy of the Bani Israel, due to ethnic pride, was that the last prophet of Allah, whom they had been waiting for centuries and whose coming was mentioned in their books, arrived. They used to hold sway over other nations in his name and pray continuously for his speedy return. Despite recognizing the signs and symptoms of his truthfulness, the Prophet of the last days (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was not acceptable to them only because he was not from Bani Israel. However, Allah created him among his cousins, Banu Ismail. 

After this obstinacy and obstinacy of the Jews, who have racial pride and hatred of being the descendants of Hazrat Yaqub (peace be upon him) and other prophets of Bani Israel (peace be upon them), there was no possibility left in the world of reasons that they would ever take the path of guidance. Rather, due to their instincts and historical background, it was expected that they would go further in arrogance, jealousy, and stubbornness, and their past anger against Islam and the people of Islam would intensify daily. This is why the Holy Qur'an revealed all the details about their past habits and behavior to the Muslims and warned them that in the future, the Jewish nation would be more hostile to the Muslims than other nations. Therefore, Muslims should be aware of them and take all measures to avoid their tricks.

The Historical Enmity of Jews towards Muslims and its Impact on Modern-Day Relations

After the Prophet's (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) emigration, Muslims in Madinah could coexist with Jews for a few years. During this time, there was an attempt at mutual tolerance and coexistence under the title of Misaaq-e-Madinah. However, the effort failed due to the conspiracies of the Jews, and it was decided that the Jews had taken on the hostility of the Muslims permanently. There is no way to reconcile, tolerate or interact with them. 

Today, after fourteen hundred years have passed, the Jews are once again organized and armed, standing in front of Muslims. They occupied the region during the last century by depriving the Palestinians of their land and sitting in the middle of the world with weapons. By force and conspiracy, they have deprived millions of Arab people of national unity, autonomy, and even the protection of life and freedom. It is a dark and tragic chapter in human history. The pain and closeness of it are more pronounced than ever before. Not only is there a global campaign to justify the brutality and atrocities of the Jews of the past century, but it is also a topic of discussion among intellectuals in Muslim countries. These suggestions include recognizing Israel based on today's objective conditions to justify its existence, despite the Jews not forgetting the past of fourteen hundred years ago, and preparing to color the self-made map of "Greater Israel" by remembering Madinah and Khaybar. In contrast, Muslims are advised to forget this century of the recent past, many of whose characters are still alive. The wounds of those who were harmed are still open, and their ferocity is increasing instead of decreasing. In such circumstances, it is necessary to present evidence of the Jews' historical enmity, bigotry, jealousy, and obstinacy toward Muslims once and for all. The new generation should be informed about how the nation with which they are being advised to establish friendship has treated Muslims in the past and what its future ambitions for Islam and Muslims are.!?



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