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Why Did The Powers 10 Times Bigger Than Afghanistan Have To Leave Afghanistan and Run Away?

When it comes to the world's most powerful forces, the name Russia, the United State, and the United Kingdom is at the top.

These three countries are not only at the top in the military but also in economy and technology, they are a few steps ahead of the rest of the world. 

The Mystery of Afghanistan:

Why Have Powerful Countries Repeatedly Lost to a Small and Weak Nation?

What is the reason why so many powerful countries have repeatedly lost to a small and weak country like Afghanistan? What secret is hidden in Afghanistan that the powers of the world are forced to flee from here above all What was the interest of Russia, the United States, and Britain in this barren land? Afghanistan has spent most of its time fighting with foreign powers. Invaded this place but their occupation did not last more than two years. Then in 330 BC Alexander who had conquered more than half of the world also invaded Afghanistan but he also stayed there for more than seven years. The Mongol Empire, the Sikh Empire, and the Mughal Empire also attacked this place separately. But only the Mongols stayed here for two years, while the Mughal and Sikh empires withdrew within a year.

Negative Impression of Soviet Union After Defeat in Afghanistan:

When the British started occupying the subcontinent, the entire area from today's Myanmar to Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan was under the control of the British Army.  In 1979, the Soviet Union, i.e. today's Russia, also tried to occupy Afghanistan. After nine years of fighting in Afghanistan, Russia also had to withdraw its troops from there. Meanwhile, the civil war between the Soviet Union and the United States continued. And the defeat of Afghanistan created a very negative impression of the Soviet Union in the whole world.

The Imbalance of Military Power in the War on Terror: NATO vs Afghanistan:

Only twelve years had passed since the Soviets left here in 2001, and the United States attacked Afghanistan. The surprising thing is that in this war, not only the United States, but all the NATO companies attacked together. On the one hand, in the UK,  There were 13 different powerful countries including Canada, Germany, Italy, France, Denmark, and Poland, on the other hand, Afghanistan was fighting this war alone.  It came to a point that in 2021, US forces had to sign a dare with the Taliban to leave here.

The Limited Control of US Forces in Afghanistan During the 20-Year War:

Experts say that during the twenty-year war, US forces controlled only 15% of Afghanistan. Afghanistan's total area is slightly larger than France, while its population is less than the US state of California, which is 10 times smaller than its own. There are many answers to how it has been competing with big and powerful countries, but the biggest answer lies in the geographical location of Afghanistan.

The Ethnic Diversity of Afghanistan:

Afghanistan is divided into several different tribes, including the Uzbeks, Tajiks, and Pashtuns. Its entire border was not built by Afghanistan itself, but by foreign powers 120 years ago. This border has no status in front of the tribes living here. If we talk about its borders, where Pashtuns have been living for hundreds of years, the fact is that more than the Pashtuns living in Afghanistan live across the border in Pakistan. Pashtun had a home Half of these Pashtun families live in Afghanistan and half in Pakistan.

Challenges in Controlling the Durand Line: Smuggling, Terrorism and Militancy:

Therefore, when the British Empire defined the border here, it did not have any special significance in front of these Pashtuns because this border was just like an imaginary line, as before the powder was defined, they used to meet each other in the same way.  Since most of this powder passes through very high hills, controlling this border has been quite challenging for both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Meters long with at least 300 ports where the border can be crossed, taking advantage of this, smuggling of drugs, weapons, and militants is very common here, and terrorists living in Afghanistan easily come to Pakistan. And from here, new militants were prepared and taken back. Due to all these reasons, the Durand Line is also called the most dangerous border in the world.

The Impact of Afghanistan's Mountain Ranges on its Population and Security:

If you look at the map of Afghanistan, it is a landlocked country, that is, if someone wants to invade it by land, he has to take the help of neighboring countries, including Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, China, and Pakistan. Included. But even if they reach the border of Afghanistan, the attackers have to face huge mountains. It should be remembered that Afghanistan is certainly the center of the continent, but the low population here is also due to the harsh conditions of these mountains. Known as the Hindu Kush Mountain Range, these ranges are so high and so dangerous that it is considered almost impossible to survive and cross them. More than 15% of the area is located at an altitude of 2000 meters. These hills act as a natural wall to Afghanistan, unknown to foreign powers, but the locals are well aware of these hills.

Tribalism and Isolation in the Valleys of Afghanistan: A Challenge to Unity and Progress:

When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, the Militants would hide in the mountains and attack Russian tanks and troops passing through the passes, hiding in mountain caves where it was impossible to find them.  And they used to blow up the roads, which prevented the Russians from advancing for months. While the Hindu Kush mountain range stopped the invaders, it also made transporting goods and supplies from one city to another a huge challenge. There are dozens of valleys in which separate tribes live. Due to the most difficult mountain passes, most of the tribes are not even connected, because it is very difficult to go from one valley to another.  I have built my world, they have their laws and most of the clans do their security.

The Difficulty of Maintaining Military Power in the Face of Armed Militants in Afghanistan:

This is the reason why the central government in Kabul does not have much hold on the tribal area of ​​Afghanistan. When the Afghan central government remains helpless in front of these armed men, how can the military power coming from outside maintain its hold here?  In 1979, the Soviet military did not succeed in establishing its military base in the Afghan city of Khost. The base was built in a valley surrounded by high mountains. Because these militants were in a high position, they blocked all access to the valley, so much so that the entire supply network of the Soviet military base was broken and it was now dependent only on air supplies. That was not a long-term solution for the Soviets. This strategy of Afghan militants was not only successful in defeating the Soviets.

Militant Attacks on Khyber Pass and the Impact on Supply Chains:

In 2001, when the Americans tried to occupy here, a total force of 130,000 in all NATO containers was sent by air to Afghanistan, but regular supplies and ammunition tanks and trucks for that much army were sent through Pakistan's Khyber Pass to Afghanistan.  Militants knew very well that the Khyber Pass was so important to the US which is why they did not leave any opportunity to attack the Turks by staying in the mountains, and in 2009 they destroyed a very sensitive part of the Khyber Pass.  When they were faced with a counterattack by the American forces, they would easily cross the border and burn the NATO containers from entering Pakistan and Khyber Pass.  Therefore, they took the help of the government of Afghanistan and made many localities there also participate in this war. Of course, they got success in many places, but if the essence of the entire twenty-year war is extracted, the US used to hold only 15% of Afghanistan.

Understanding the Complexities of Foreign Powers' Interests in Afghanistan:

According to one stem, the US spent a total of 2.3 trillion dollars in military operations in Afghanistan. In one day, the US used to spend 300 million dollars on its forces. As the US thought it was better to leave here, we all understood that foreign powers cannot stay here for long because of Afghanistan's dangerous hills, innumerable secret caves, and isolated tribal areas. But in the end, we do not get the answer to why everyone wants to control Afghanistan. The geographical location of Afghanistan is the center of Asia, which is also called the heart of Asia, in Central Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East.  To maintain connectivity, the affairs of Afghanistan must be under control. Now, whoever controls Afghanistan will also be very special for all the countries of this region. If the other power wants, it can help the militants here by funding them  S wants to weaken the power.


The story discusses why powerful countries such as Russia, the United States, and Britain have repeatedly lost to a small and weak country like Afghanistan. The reason lies in the geographical location of Afghanistan, its ethnic diversity, the challenges in controlling its borders, and the impact of its mountain ranges on its population and security. Afghanistan is divided into several different tribes, including the Uzbeks, Tajiks, and Pashtuns, and its entire border was defined by foreign powers 120 years ago. Afghanistan is also a landlocked country with huge mountains acting as a natural wall, and the low population here is also due to the harsh conditions of these mountains. Additionally, tribalism and isolation in the valleys of Afghanistan make it difficult to achieve unity and progress.!?


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